Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Infinity Tracks: listen to music you enjoy

Most of the time I have spent on the computer over the past couple of days has been spent building lists for music mixes for 8tracks. I have over twenty mix lists working, and each needs at least eight songs per mix.

The process is a bit time consuming because I am going through all of my songs to choose which ones are appropriate for each list. I'm talking 27,000 plus at last count. Ten thousand plus are in the folder I call 'Downloaded Music' and represent what I have downloaded from the internet through various sources, all legal. I do not know how to hack any website to get anything for free. Wouldn't do it if I did know how.

These songs mostly come from RadioSure, an application that is free to download – do yourself a favor and download it. The application claims to have 13,568 stations to choose from around the world. Some are foreign language so they don’t do me any good. The application has the ability to record any of these stations but not all songs can be recorded individually. In other words the entire broadcast is recorded as one file no matter how many songs there are in it. I have found quite a few stations that do break the songs into their own separate files and these are the ones I concentrate on. Many of these files pick up a stray segment of commercial or part of another song. This is where WavePad comes into play. This application is also a free download and it works great. With this I can strip off whatever part of the file I don’t want.

Once I have decided which music files I want to add to my mix I then need to figure out what album it was released on.

One restriction in making the mix, you cannot have more than two songs from any artist or album title. With the number of songs out there this is a very minor restriction.

Go to 8tracks.com and find out what others are listening to. I find a lot of music I have never heard before. Start creating your own mixes, be the DJ, it’s lots of fun. See ya there.

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